Anytone AT 588 I've had this radio about 2 or 3 weeks and it has lived up to my expectations and more. I first had another radio from China that was a big disappointment, but I went ahead and tried this one, it his first rate and has all the features it needs. I had a little trouble with the programming but soon figured it out and away I go! I have it hooked to a small J-Pole antenna and I am able to get into a repeater about 75 miles away with the 65 watts that it puts out and it receives that signal like it is sitting right next to me. Hronometrazh rabochego vremeni socialjnogo rabotnika obrazec. All in all, it is an outstanding transceiver and I will use it from now on!!! Verified purchase: Yes Condition: New •.
Arcgis 10 license manager crack. Aug 04, 2014 This video covers my latest purchase of an AnyTone AT-588 transceiver, rated for 66 MHz to 88 MHz and thus suitable for unmodified use on 4m.