Colt Sp1 Serial Numbers Dates

TA 9mm 6450 6430. The year/serial numbers under Colt SP series was forwarded to me by an individual whose return address I no longer have. Acdsee pro 6 portable. Double asterisk (**) under Bushmaster, a person on the internet e-mailed me that he had a lower that was shipped stripped (thus not a complete rifle) in 1991 from Bushmaster with serial #0327XX - ALWAYS CALL TO.

I own two of them, both fired sparingly, and I suspect their value to be around $1150. Ciencias de la salud bertha higashida pdf descargar 2014. It really depends upon the buyer and is desire to aquire one. I paid $175 for one of them in 1975 and I can't remember what the other cost.

Colt sp1 serial number dates

************ ************** ************ AS OF 2011: These thing s have skyrocketed in price mostly because of the 'Assault Weapon' bans and hysteria. Currently, these are offered for $1299-1599 range online (and they're selling well in the 'Free States' that allow their sale and possession by their free citizens) The H-BAR version (Serial number preceded by a 'CH' for 'Competition' or 'MH' for 'Match' versions) are more desirable and command more money than the 'SP' or 'Sporter' versions. Either rifle is a fun.223 shooter and can be the basis for many conversions and modifications as well as used for competition sports shooting.