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Don't expect the IRC channel to help you fix what is broken in the cracked version: 1:59 Threndal joined the chat room. 1:59 Threndal: Hey all. 2:00 Threndal: How do I get portraits for my players in 3.5? 2:00 Laz: find a pic you like threndal 2:00 Murgh_Bpurn: Threndal, the players need to put them in their portraits folder 2:00 Laz: crop it down to about 100x100 2:00 Threndal: Oh ok they have their own folder? 2:01 Laz: and dag and drop to your portraits photo in apps data 2:01 Threndal: Ok let me check that out quick. 2:01 Laz: start menu > FG>Apps data>portraits 2:01 Murgh_Bpurn: application data/Fantasy Grounds ii/Portraits 2:04 Threndal: I don't think that I have an appdata folder. 2:04 Ridi: You dio 2:04 Ridi: Everyone does 2:04 Ridi: Threndal 2:04 Ridi: Follow my voice 2:04 Ridi: Go to start 2:05 Laz: what OS you using Threndal?

2:05 Threndal: Windows 7. It is a pain to get to. I know I have one but I can never find it. 2:05 Ridi: I know 2:05 Ridi: Go to run 2:05 Ridi: Type in run 2:05 Ridi: In search and program files 2:05 Ridi: Then inside the run box type 2:06 Ridi:%appdata% 2:06 Madman: next time you find your app data folder create a shortcut to your desktop 2:06 Ridi: So, start, run,%appdata% 2:06 Ikael: no wonder why it's not working 2:06 Threndal: Ah. Thank you very much. 2:07 Threndal: Ok so in my appdata folder in the FG folder I don't have a portraits folder. Campaigns and extensions.

2:08 Laz: create a portraits folder then 2:08 Threndal: Ok. 2:08 Laz: just make sure ya look around real good in there 2:08 Laz: be sure there isn't one hiding 2:09 Laz: does windows 7 hide folders? 2:09 Laz: not sure as i haven't had much experience with win7 2:09 Threndal: Yeah. I am unhiding them all. Ok so in the campaigns, it only shows Tale of Dinor as my campaigns.

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Then in there I have a portraits folder. 2:09 Ikael: windows 7 have capability to hide folders yes 2:09 Madman: right click>view>details 2:10 Laz: nah that portraits for the demo 2:10 Laz: should have one back where you see all the folders for campaign/ modules/chars/ cache 2:11 Threndal: Ok I will create one and see if it works. 2:11 Laz: after that it is quick 2:11 Laz: yeah name it 'portraits' 2:43 Threndal: Ok. So my portrait problem from earlier is still not taken care of. I have an older version of FG is most likely why. 2:43 demonsbane: Threndal, 2:43 Madman: Update it 2:43 Talysian: If you have an older version you will need to update it.

2:44 Threndal: I can put portraits on an older version sstill. 2:44 Threndal: How? 2:44 demonsbane: Threndal, just update the app 2:44 demonsbane: are there any reason for not updating it? 2:44 Threndal: I have a fake copy duh. 2:44 Talysian: There is a button on the corner that says update 2:44 Talysian: Oh.