Wanted: One Mutants and Masterminds Character Generator Also like Dungeons and Dragons, the first thing you need to do to play Mutants and Masterminds is create a character. Typically this is done using a Character Sheet and putting number values into certain places to determine what your character is capable of. Items 1 - 50 of 186 - Hottest NPC Collections, Mutants & Masterminds. Of pregenerated characters that can be added to any M&M 3rd Edition game. And altered by the mutagenic Lunarian Blue substance created by the Ancient Thirteen.
For all things Mutants and Masterminds, the superhero pen and paper RPG. Share your questions, campaigns, character builds and all other content related to the game! Subreddit Rules: • All submitted posts must relate to Mutants and Masterminds, or tangentially related topics. • Do not suggest or promote piracy.
This includes official material from Green Ronin, reproductions, and dubious PDFs. This also extends to licensed works through Superlink by M&M. • Any time you intend to post something for sale or advertise (that is not a licensed Green Ronin work or Superlink by M&M), ahead of time. This includes commissions, subscriptions, etc.
Just a precaution to prevent spam. • If you suspect someone of breaking a rule or acting inappropriately don't call them out, just report the post or message the mods. Resource Guides • Official • • • • Other Online Communities • Related Subreddits: • • • • Filters. I have looked everywhere for this character generator and I cannot find it. I have searched many file sharing websites and the like.
I have found nothing. I know the company has gone belly up so I understand that is why it is hard to find but I really want the file because I don't have many pleases to keep character sheets and I need something so I can make characters quickly. If anyone has it I would greatly appreciate it if they would send me the file or know where a good place to look is, that works too.